:: CX6600 - external waste ink tank
Author Martin Date Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:28 am Views 34419

Description Redirecting waste ink flow to an external tank

1 - Intro
2 - When is it worth trying this modification?
3 - Open the trapdoor (spot the waste tube)
4 - Finding the tube from the top
5 - (Optional) Clipping the waste tube and add an extension
6 - Securing the new waste tube
7 - Adding the tank and elevating the printer
8 - Pictures of each step
9 - Resetting your CX6600 waste counter

CX6600 - external waste ink tank 

(Optional) Clipping the waste tube and add an extension

If you've got the waste tube seperated from the extension (as per the previous page) you can skip this stage.

If not then you'll need to cut the tube following these instructions.

The tube you see runs from the pump (right) to the waste ink pads which are located centrally.. You can probably notice that the base of the printer shows a long channel running in line with the tube you can see. This is the rest of the tube and unfortunately it's next to impossible to pull it out.

To redirect the waste ink flow you're going to need to cut the tube carefully and extend it using some spare tubing.

Note: Once you clip the tube there is NO going back so stop now if you have any reservations

If you opt to continue you'll need to secure the tube and then snip it without losing hold (to avoid a fishing expedition).. I used some long tweezers and my partner to help.

You should end up with the tube like this.. BUT do not pull on this tube as you can seperate it from the pump and if that happens it's game over and you'll need to get the printer serviced!


Obviously the tube you have is not long enough so you'll be wanting to extend it using some spare tubing.. Try to keep the tubing the same diameter or slightly bigger (This will help avoid waste ink blocking the tube) Be sure to ensure the extension is securely fastened.

In my example I used some CIS parts I have available to connect 2 tubes together (ie: a straight barbed connector).. These are unlikely to be available to yourself however.
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